Phil Daro

In this series of videos, mathematics educator Phil Daro explains the rationale of this approach. 
"Lessons unfold over time, and they have a dramatic trajectory. A plot of their own..."
"The students have prepared presentations and that means that they've made visible what they're thinking..."
"...the purpose of this is to make their delicate understanding more flexible and robust..."
"...only a few kids are understanding the math and most are just settling for getting the correct answer..."
"Let's dig a little more deeply into the part of the lesson when the students are presenting their explanations..."
... at the end of the lesson comes a vivid mathematical target...
If I put direct instruction at the beginning of the lesson, but I haven't earned that – what does that mean?"
Project funding provided by The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation and S.D. Bechtel Jr. Foundation.
Creative Commons License
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