Coaching & PD for WordGen Elementary

Local Professional Development

SERP provides local professional development for Word Generation, upon request, for a fee to cover presenter, travel, materials, and planning costs. Sessions are developed and led by experienced coaches, teachers, or program developers and typically include an overview of the research base, review of instructional components, hands-on learning opportunities for program practices, and guidance on how to implement the program. Please email for more information.

Interested in becoming a Word Generation Coach?

SERP is eager to train experienced educators to become Word Generation coaches who will support the implementation of the program in classrooms. If you are a coach who is interested in WordGen training, please write to express interest. We will let you know when training opportunities become available.

Development of Word Generation was led by Catherine Snow (Harvard University) and Suzanne Donovan (SERP). Major SERP contributors to program development include: Claire White, Alyse Krantz, Halley Wheeless, Matt Ellinger, David Dudley, and Patrick Hurley. Boston Public Schools and other districts in Massachusetts and Maryland collaborated with SERP to develop Word Generation.

Support for Word Generation was provided by the Carnegie Corporation of New York, the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, the Noyce Foundation, the Spencer Foundation, the Leon Lowenstein Foundation and the Institute of Education Sciences, U.S. Department of Education through grant numbers R305A090555 and R305F100026. The information provided does not represent views of the funders.

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