Mind In Motion

Find a space where you can stand and stretch your arms out fully without touching someone else...
If you feel comfortable, close your eyes.
Now let your shoulders relax down and let your arms dangle at your sides...
Feel your feet planted firmly on the ground, as if they have roots holding you in place...
Your knees should be unlocked and slightly bent.
Now turn your attention to your breath; inhaling and exhaling slowly and fully 3 times...
Now, we are going to move our arms in sync with our breath. Breathe in slowly through your nose as you gently raise your arms to shoulder height...
Once you have your arms straight out in front of you, hold your breath for a count of 3: 1...2...3...
Now slowly exhale and lower your arms back to your sides.
Let’s do that (5-10) more times, keeping your wrists and elbows relaxed as you lift and lower your arms...
Inhale, raising your arms...hold for a count of 3...
Exhale, lowering the arms to starting position.
Once you’ve finished, take a moment to stand still and notice how your arms and hands feel...
Take 3 deep breaths at your own speed...
When you’re ready, open your eyes.
Read by Jea:
Read by Jon:
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